Get Happy with FAPI: Overview of Drupal 8 Forms API


There is much to be happy about when using the new Forms API in Drupal 8.  This talk will cover an overview of form element types used in Drupal 8, walk through example code demonstrating form elements as they exist today in Drupal 8, and touch on some new powerful features in the Forms API.  

This talk will include:

  • introduction to new HTML 5 form elements
  • overview of Details, Containers and Fieldsets  
  • Introduction to modal forms in core
  • the current status of form elements documentation in Drupal 8

See for example code. 
About the speaker: 

David Metzler has been a contrib. module maintainer for 9 years and worked on the Forms API Documentation rewrite for Drupal 8.  

Session Track

Coding and Development

Experience Level


Drupal Version