Get Your SASS in Gear!
Writing custom CSS for Drupal sites has always had a tendency to be a bit of a painful task. Divitis and selector-overload, in Drupal 6/7 especially, can drive you crazy and frankly, it could make writing stylesheets more time consuming than they should be. That’s where a CSS pre-processor really comes in handy.
This is a session for users wanting to learn how to incorporate SASS into their lives, specifically, into their Drupal Themes. The tools you’ll learn in this session applies to both Drupal 7 and Drupal 8. If you know CSS, then you are already on your way to knowing SASS!
This session will cover the following:
- The basic principles of SASS?
- Why choose SASS instead of CSS or another pre-processor like LESS?
- How does SASS differ from CSS and what are it’s advantages?
- How to install SASS along with it’s dependencies.
- How to best organize your SASS into directories and partials according to Atomic Design and BEM syntax.
- And finally, how to write cleaner & leaner styles for your Drupal site using advanced Sass features and techniques.
You don’t have to be a Front-End Developer to enjoy this session, but you should also at the very least have an intermediate level understanding of CSS. Being familiar with the front end and the Drupal theming layer helps too. Using Sass does require some basic command line knowledge for both installation and for compiling code. Any previous knowledge of practices such as Atomic Design and BEM Syntax is a bonus.