How to make the right architectural decisions for a healthy project


The architectural decisions we make at the very start of a project are some of the most important decisions for a project's overall success. Do we utilize a drush make workflow? Do we use a task manager like gulp? What about coding standards and automated tests? With the dizzying set of ever-changing tools, workflows, and best practices, the task of project architecture has become a daunting one.


We will dive into real world examples demonstrating decisions made, lessons learned, and tools utilized for successful and healthy projects. In particular we’ll discuss the role of automation and testing tools like CircleCI and Behat, Pantheon's workflow capabilities, and a home-baked build system toolchain called Aquifer for facilitating healthy and successful projects.


Questions this talk answers:

  • When and why should you use a drush make workflow?

  • How does Pantheon Multidev relate to a project’s git workflow?

  • How can you make your workflow successful on Pantheon?

  • What is Aquifer and how does it support scaffolding, building, testing, and deploying Drupal websites?

  • How can you ensure best practices and stability with a large and fast-moving team?

Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version