How DevOps enables us to speed up our Drupal 8 migration
Case study: Quick iterations on a large Drupal 8 project using Continuous Delivery.
This session shows how we are porting a large government open source platform from Drupal 6 to Drupal 8 while leveraging the latest best practices in DevOps:
Composer for dependency management.
Phing for task automation.
Continuous Deployment to staging and acceptance.
Continuous Delivery to production.
PHP CodeSniffer for coding standard checks
Automated regression testing using Behat.
Ephemeral acceptance environments on Amazon AWS.
continuousphp for Continuous Delivery/Deployment orchestration
Joinup is an open source code sharing platform that is developed by the European Commission. The goal of the project is to encourage sharing code that is developed by European government organizations so it can be reused by other countries worldwide. It currently hosts 4000+ open source projects created by 64 different government organizations. The initial release planned for June 2016.