Battle on the Front, Drupal has our Back


The battle of the Front End is on, and we know that Drupal has our Back End. With Drupal 8 and its community at our side, Front End frameworks now join the fight in building next generation applications powered by Drupal. Let's win the battle without a fight using Drupal on the Back End, and whatever framework we want on the Front End, or no framework at all.

What to bring to the session:
  • An interest in Headless/Decoupled Drupal development
  • Some coding experience
  • A love for HTML, CSS & JavaScript
In this session we'll:
  • Review Headless/Decoupled concepts, architectures and environments
  • Analyze the pros and cons
  • Compare available contributed modules
  • Compare Front End frameworks active within the Drupal community
  • Learn by example, the Drupal 8 REST basics:
    • User authentication
    • Entity CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete)
    • Views REST exports
  • Build a quick headless Drupal 8 app with only HTML + CSS + JavaScript

After this session attendees will see the battle on the front can easily be won without a fight, with Drupal 8 at our backs.

Session Track

Front End

Experience Level


Drupal Version