HTTP for Noobs

Elijah Lynn

HTTP powers the web as we know it. Let's take a moment and explore the more common parts of HTTP. I believe that once you start to grasp HTTP you will feel more confident in your ability to debug your applications in the many years to come.

This is a hands on talk. We will learn. Then practice. Then repeat. Questions will be allowed throughout. This talk is suitable for any skill level, I will do my best to break everything down so most everyone will be able to grasp the infamous Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Please bring a computer with Chrome on it, you will absorb much more if you do. 

Topics we will cover:

  • History of HTTP
  • Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs = URLs and URNs)
  • HTTP Headers
  • HTTP Messages
  • HTTP Connections
  • HTTP Methods
  • HTTP Requests
  • HTTP Responses
  • HTTP Response Codes

I hope you come to this session, see you there!

Elijah Lynn

Session Track

Coding and Development

Experience Level


Drupal Version