Les Bon Modules de Drupal 8
We got beaucoup modules in Drupal 8, y'all!
This session is a variation on a classic Drupal 7 era talk by Mike Anello "45 modules in 45 minutes", remixed for Drupal 8.
Beyond the most popular modules on Drupal.org, there are dozens of useful modules for improving the user experience of your site administrators, integrating with web services, and easily adding advanced functionality to your Drupal site.
In this session, we will run through 40+ useful modules. You'll get an overview of each module, including:
- A bit about what makes each useful
- An example where this tool or function might be used
- Any caveats that may exist
As the hosts of the DrupalEasy Podcast, we have met and interviewed the creators of some of Drupal's best-known and most useful modules. We will tag team through a list of some of our favorites from a collective 36 years of Drupal site building experience, and give the Drupal 8 status of each.