Dynamic Self-Service Notification Platform | Tugboat: A fully functional website for every pull request
Experience: Beginner
Drupal Version: 7.x
In a moderns day large scale and complex enterprise of the eCommerce industry various notifications are generated for engagement of the customers. At Srijan we developed a solution with the ability to redesign, validate & publish a customer facing notification and took the process from a duration of 30 day involving teams from across 3 organization and various emails, down to a business self-service capability which can now be completed in a couple of clicks.
Here is what you need to know:
- Basic knowledge of Drupal should suffice for the attendees
- Learning outcome form this casestudy is how Drupal was integrated as a key platform to drive productivity for a fortune 100 eCommerce giant.
Speakers: Matt Westgate, James Sansbury, Ben Chavet, Matthew Oliveira
Tugboat is a tool which integrates with GitHub and BitBucket, or your private Git repository to build out full-stack sandbox environment for each pull request. We'll talk about why Lullabot created this tool and how it's helped developers and clients stay connected during a project and provide instant feedback during project development. A moderated panel will share their experiences and take questions from the audience following a brief demo.