Modular, object oriented CSS in practice

Owen Barton

This session will give an introduction to modular, object oriented CSS, starting with the design and front-end implementation planning - how to identify layout, components, as well as sub-components and modifiers.

Then you will learn how to practically implement these with Drupal, and "connect" them to configuration entities in a systematic way. Panels will be used to demonstrate this, although we will discuss adapting this approach to to other layout modules.

Topics covered will include:

  • Managing layout markup and styles.
  • Setting and documenting component base classes.
  • Structuring component CSS and SASS/SCSS.
  • Best practices for using and configuring sub-components and modifiers (themes, states etc).
  • How to control panels markup and keep components lean.
  • How to apply this approach to Panelizer/Panopoly.

Session Track

Front End

Experience Level


Drupal Version