No User Left Behind: How We Architected a Site to Eliminate Dead Ends


If you enjoy listening to people talk about theory, or best practices, or trends, or fads, or the next big thing, this session is not for you. I'm here to present a real-world case study of user experience design, one grounded in content strategy and planning. Yes, David After Dentist, this is real life.

Amazee Labs Austin recently architected a client website with the goal of eliminating dead ends for their users. What's a dead end? A dead end, as we define it, is when a user gets to the end of a page and has nowhere to go next, or nowhere that makes sense. A dead end is bad user experience. 

I'll explain the idea, the execution, how we sold it to the client, and most importantly, how many sticky notes it took to get to the core of the problem, and solve it.

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