Performance and Security in large companies


Imagine that you are one of the largest Healthcare Company , has more than 600 Drupal websites under your development/support process and you could  receive several types of attacks and a huge amount of access from any place around the globe.

How to create a process to guarantee that all your Drupal Websites will be validated from a performance and security perspective and how prevent any security and performance issue before the launch.

At this session, we will show you different types of scenarios and how to handle any situation based on real cases. Also it will be provided details on how to create your process to validate these 2 points, starting from the planning to the launch process.

Topics that will be discussed

- Tools used for Performance tests
- Tools used for Vulnerability validation
- How to address any performance and Vulnerability Issue
- Best Practices to be used during the development process
- How to prepare the CI to help your team
- How to define when a website is secure and fast to be published.


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