The Process for Designing Great Community Event Websites


The event website is one of the most common websites we see as Drupal professionals. Every conference that we attend - be it Drupalcon, Drupalcamp, or another industry event - has a website that provides necessary information: how do we sign-up, who is speaking, where are the hotels, where are the parties?

While these event websites might look similar, there are lots of differences under the hood. This is especially true with the look and feel of the site. Each conference is a little bit different in the attendees, the program, the sponsors, and the aesthetic goals. The website design needs to reflect those differences by providing an unique design that fits with the overall vibe and helps achieve the goals of the event.

Come to this session to learn from Cheeky Monkey who has designed several high profile event sites including BADCamp and Drupalcons LA & New Orleans. Along with Dwayne McDaniel from Pantheon who will provide data points and best practices about the 100+ event sites hosted on Pantheon, come learn how to manage a design process to create event websites that align with community expectations and needs.


When you are making a website for website developers, the stakes couldn’t be higher to create something great. In this session we will discuss:


  • How to create a design process for making an event website

  • Where do we start the research: Communicating with the community.

  • Start with the identity: Taking Pencil to Paper

  • Building the environment for the experience

    • Getting into the each component for the event: website, collateral, etc

  • Working on a repeated event: how it’s their the same but different every year

Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version