Reuniting Australia -- Standardising a country on Drupal as a citizen engagement platform


In the last 12 months, I've applied for visas, become an Australian citizen, checked up on public holidays and even read prime ministerial press releases; none of which would be possible without engaging with the government. Traditionally however, unless you're one of those people who enjoys queuing, filling in paperwork and going round in circles, working with a government is a painful procedure.

The aim of govCMS is to take what existed as an archipelago of siloed websites dotted about in a sea of bureaucracy and unite them under one banner. Allowing for proper adherance to UX and a11y guidelines, standardisation of site builds, content sharing, and expected security practices, govCMS puts a stake in the ground to become the new definition for what a citizen engagement platform should look like.

This session will take us on a journey through the govCMS story to uncover:

  • How we changed hearts and minds of old school civil servants
  • The focus on integrations and treating government as an API
  • Agile approaches to program management
  • Why a 'whole of government' approach was taken to this transformation project 
  • How this systematic adoption of Drupal can change the conversation

You'll walk away with the knowledge required to undertake digital transformation on a grand scale and where Drupal, and other technologies intersect in this vision.

Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version