From Scrum to Agile


Agile is a manifesto and a set of principles that grew out of the many failures produced by the era in which waterfall software development was the most common way of producing software. Many frameworks to help teams become more agile exist, but of them Scrum has become the most prominent.

Scrum is very simple, and in its simplicity Scrum has deceived many into thinking that it is easy. By the time the realization that "Scrum is not easy" appears it has left a set of empty rituals in its wake. I have met many teams that still manage to be effective with empty-Scrum practices, but as one of those that have drunk the Agile-kool-aid, I would like to see us all get back to utilizing the tools that Scrum and others frameworks offer to improve agility.  

During this session we will:

  • Get a concise and clear picture of Agile
  • See how the Scrum framework fits within Agile
  • Talk about how fragile Agile can be by showing the places were Agility can start breaking down
  • See how keeping the big picture in mind can help us evolve our practice and continue to be Agile even during times of adversity


Session Track

Project Management

Experience Level


Drupal Version