Setting shop in low reached areas


Please give us a detailed overview of your session and why attendees will be excited to hear about it.  

Ensure that you let us know:

  • What level of knowledge should attendees have before walking into your session
  • What will your session accomplish and what will attendees walk away having learned

There is a growing demand for Information Technology in Uganda and Africa at large and thus I see a need for systems and
applications to aid in the development which are lacking and to breach the gap Drupal needs to grow its broadness in the 
region. By attending DrupalCon New Orleans my chances of connecting and networking with the legends in the industry it 
presents a greater chance of getting the dream to reality. This will help widen my knowledge on the drupal community and on my network to so as when I'm back it will assist me on building the community in Uganda and Africa at large. I will be able to introduce drupal to the corporate organisations to be used in the different sectors like the financial sector.

Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version