Status of making Drupal business in China
After running Drupal community in China almost 5 years, the China Drupal business environment still relative young. There are not many big projects, or projects are almost from foreigners working in China. This session is going to discuss reasons and why Drupal in China growth slowly and ways we can do to make things happen faster.
- Most and most important: Lack of developers
- How can have more developers ? University and better documentation
- There are about 3K users in Drupal QQ (China IM) group, but only 1xx in active.
- Second important: Language (English is not common in China)
- insentive to learn Drupal
- Main China tech companies (BAT) not using Drupal / PHP but Node.js
- Schools teach Java while people prefer training more than self-learning
- Inhouse projects
- Just a few inhouse project in China hiring Drupal developers
- Chinese students prefer inhouse project more than consultancy companies
- Good use case call sparkpad in China, train restaurant's backend using Drupal
Ways we can discuss/trying
- In DrupalcampChina2016, we invite 8 local universities to join DrupalCamp. And Drupalcamp supporting by New York university
- Invite foreign companies to sponsors drupal events, introduce Drupal way to China with bigger voice.
- Translation is important but always not enough, another approach is to target younger group of people who better in English to learn Drupal.
- Promote giant companies who already in China and benefit from Drupal as use case. Like Tesla/Nvidia/NYU
- More successful use case in giant local company like is using Drupal.