A Technical Strategy to Support Large Scale Scrum: Using Features, Git, and Jenkins to Manage a Drupal Workflow
A particular challenge of using Drupal is configuration management. While the Features module in Drupal 7 (and the configuration system in Drupal 8) largely resolves this, it doesn’t resolve the complexity of a multi-person, multi-environment, multi-project team. While not a new topic, many individuals still struggle with the day-to-day management of a Drupal development and testing workflow. At Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNNL), a team of 15+ developers and testers work on a collection of up to 40 projects. This workflow is used to seamlessly facilitate development, automated and manual testing, maintenance, and security updates.
This talk will focus on how you can use Features (along with Git and a continuous build system like Jenkins) to facilitate a team of developers working across a suite of projects within a shared development environment. More, it will explain how PNNL is able to rapidly deploy sites across our servers and share development and testing throughout out team. While technical, it will focus on the methodology and approach our team takes and provide guidance on how to integrate other technologies such as Drush.