Theme-Driven Development with kss-node


Translating a design to a functioning Drupal theme isn’t always an easy task. Sometimes the backend isn’t complete yet, or the client wants feedback on an aggressive timeline even before the theme will be ready for review. Our answer to all these problems is the kss-node Style Guide with flat HTML mockups, and we’ll show you how it worked for a real-world client.

For advanced themers, Theme-driven development with kss-node brings the heavy artillery to Drupal Theme and Front-End professional services. We’ll touch on important cornerstones like best practices naming, functional specs, the cascade, and div soup. We’ll also be talking about panels, picture elements, and focusing on reusable classes. Most importantly, we’ll show you exactly how to setup a build process with kss-node using Gulp for creating a functional, client-deliverable style guide that adds a massive amount of value while requiring very little investment in the pipeline itself.

Session Track

Front End

Experience Level


Drupal Version