Using Scrum Agile in remote development


What is Scrum Agile?

  • Breaking down the Manifesto
  • Add some 'Scrum sauce'
  • Be more productive when emphasis is on developer(s)

Methodology for remote dev

  • What challenges does remote development pose when selecting project process methodology?
  • Scaling the team/products/scope
  • Performance measuring

What signifies the advantages with Scrum Agile when working remote?

  • Freedom (well, some…)
  • ‘Some assembly required’ when spanning many time zones - but very adaptive
  • More ‘culturally agnostic’ than many other methodologies

What are the pitfalls when working Scrum Agile remote?

  • Devs in the driver’s seat - mgmt in backseat
  • Not for the faint of heart, new to development
  • Nice in principle - requires the discipline IRL

Some suggestions and how/why they work

  • VCS
  • Project Mgmt
  • Issue handling
  • Chat, Gists/notes-share, misc



This session doesn't offer to drop "The Truth™" but offer an insight from the trenches of remote development where scrum agile has been a key success factor.

Session Track

Project Management

Experience Level


Drupal Version