What it takes when you Switch to Drupal8 from earlier Drupal vesions
With the release of Drupal 8, one of the key questions is: “ Should Drupal companies start their business on Drupal 8?” In order to better answer this, let’s look at the lifecycle of a typical D8 project. It usually goes through the phases of: Discovery, Estimations, Implementation and Quality Assurance.
Key Insights:
The session will cover some of the issues we usually face in the Discovery phase.
- Analysing the client’s requirements.
- Mapping client requirements inside the project.
- We have 200 modules in Drupal 7 sites. Do all of these need to be ported to Drupal 8? If yes, how much time will that take?
- Good resources who have basic knowledge of Drupal 8 architecture.
Formulate rough estimates of the amount of time required, and explain this to the client.
We look at various community contributions and pick up stuff that would add to our learnings and help us with the project.
Explore out of the box features available inside the community.
Identify new learnings from the project, to contribute back for the benefit of larger audience.
Retrospect how we managed things & implemented in the project, when the stable version of Drupal 8 was not yet released.
- A comprehensive view of the things we learnt when migrating from D7 to D8.
This session would be useful for all the Drupal shops, Drupal enthusiasts, Developers and Drupal-Themers; who would, sooner or later, want to shift their teams to D8. And once that’s decided, they can just these simple rules for a successful migration.