Convince your boss
Attending DrupalCon is an investment in your skills, professional development, and in building community connections.
A lot of attendees don't buy their own tickets—most need to convince someone else (their boss) of the value. What is the value in attending DrupalCon? Here are some talking (or emailing!) points we encourage you to use:
Why DrupalCon?
This is the place to gather in person and learn from leading experts how to grow Drupal skills and make a bigger impact with your Drupal solutions, delivering more value to your organization and clients. You’ll have the opportunity to:
- Build a stronger network in the community
- Collaborate and share knowledge with others
- Contribute back to the Drupal project
- Make face-to-face connections with people in Drupal
Is it worth the cost?
- It’s one of the lower price points in comparison to other conferences in the industry
- Training: Gain mastery in specific Drupal areas you use on the job
- Sessions: Choose from sessions taught by Drupal thought leaders and experts
- Industry Summits: Network and learn from your peers about industry best practices as well as how to solve business challenges with Drupal solutions
- Keynotes: Attend Dries Buytaert’s keynote to learn about the State of Drupal and the future of the web, as well as additional keynotes offering inspiration
- Fellow Drupal Enthusiasts: Tap into the passion of one of the largest open source communities in existence
- Your Specific Community: Meet those who hold the same or similar job title, and learn from them regarding what’s new in Drupal
- Contributing to Drupal: Participate alongside others in the community contributions, which in turn strengthens the power of Drupal for all
In addition, feel free to use the formal request form.