On your OnAir home page navigate to the right panel and press "Visit Exhibition" button. You will see a list of all the exhibitors and also a status indicating whether they are online or offline.

To find more information about the exhibitor, just click on the logo to view exhibitor's profile.
A window will expand where you may see the basic information, videos and two buttons “Meet Exhibitor” and “Website”.

In exhibitor stand in the main left part you will see the information about the company and options for interaction with the exhibitor:
- Join Group Video*
- Request 1:1 Video Call
- Request 1:1 Text Chat

The Group Video* live hours are organized on sponsor/exhibitor behalf. The meeting hours can be mentioned under the FAQ section on the right-hand. To join Group Video call, simply click on the button and you will be connected to given communication platform (Zoom, GoToMeeting, Skype, etc.).
To start the 1:1 Video Call or Text Chat, simply press the button and wait for the exhibitor team members to accept your request. You will be positioned in queue in the meantime. Once your request is accepted, a meeting window with live camera stream comes up. On the bottom bar, you can manage your audio and video settings. You will end the meeting with “End Meeting” button on the left.
* Group Video discussions might not apply to all exhibitors.
Below the interaction options, you can see the exhibitor's video gallery.
In the right-hand panel, you may see:
- Exhibitor Information - basic information that exhibitors present about themselves.
- Frequently Asked Questions – use the “search box” to find answers to the most common questions. If organized by the sponsor/exhibitor, you could also find here the Group Video live hours.
- Meeting Hub - connect with any staff member of your choice.
- Handouts – see various types of materials such as videos, PDFs, URLs, etc.
- My Notes - write down your thoughts or notes, save them, and export them anytime using the Export button you see at the top right corner.