Meet the Team
DrupalCon Europe 2020 is brought to you by the Drupal Association & Kuoni Congress with support from an amazing team of volunteers and partners from around the world. Thank you to all who help produce DrupalCon Europe. We couldn't do it without you!
Since 1985, Kuoni Congress has been a synonym for professional and successful congress organisation – and we represent an extensive and continuously expanding network that’s bursting out of Europe.
Kuoni Congress began its sustainability journey back in early 2016. The division is addressing many topics in its commitment to reduce its impact and promote responsible business practices, parts of which coincide with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The team building DrupalCon Europe is located in various European countries, and after the great success of DrupalCon Amsterdam 2019, we are very proud and excited to partner with the Drupal Association and the Drupal Community for the second virtual event in 2020 and the first virtual European Edition.
Kuoni Staff