On the top bar, you may see a small box with numbers which is your engage gamification panel. It displays the amount of points you have already earned. Once you click on this Icon, a new window will pop up.
Rules of the game - you will see all details of the game by clicking on the info icon right hand side corner.

Over there you may see three tabs:

Points - Here you may find:
- Your total earned points.
- Your total fulfilled goals.
- Leader Board – here you will see your current ranking in comparison with other attendees and the TOP 10 leaders.
Goals – here you may find all the ways to earn points. Completed goals will earn you points. To complete the goal, you will be asked to do some specific activity.
- Goals you have already performed and gained points.
- Goals you are still missing.
- Goals you have not fulfilled correctly (for example on time or given the wrong answer). No points will be assigned.
Prizes - list of prizes you can win and number of raffle tickets you have.
Be Aware:
- Display Time Limit - some Goals can be time limited. They will be visible only in certain time at which you need to fulfill the task. Once the time expires, you will not be able to gain any points for this task.
- Points - amount of points are already predefined to each goal. You can see the exact amount you can gain right underneath the goal name. These points will be automatically added to your account once you will fulfill any of these activities.
- Mystery Points – some of the goals will have a specific point and will not be known to you before performing this goal. These points will be given to your account at the end of the day. It will be secret for you until you log in to the OnAir platform again the next day.