Joining a Webinar Session as an Attendee
Webinar (for 20 & 40 minute sessions) - held in OnAir via Zoom, is a live presentation during which participants can submit questions and comments.
Join a Webinar
The webinar session (regular session) takes place directly on the OnAir platform. You can preview the session any time before the start.
- On the timeline, if there is the “Preview” button - the presentation will start soon.
Once you click on the preview button, you will be redirected to the session page on OnAir, where you can see the countdown on the right-hand side.
- On the timeline, if there is the “Join” button- the presentation is live.
Once the session has started, you have to click on “Join Audio by Computer“.
- If the window doesn’t open or if you have any audio issue: click on the link “Technical issues? Launch Zoom App” located just at the bottom of the video session. This will launch the session with your Zoom app (if you have Zoom installed on your computer) which is optimized for bad connection.
You can watch the tutorial here.
During a Webinar
There are several tools that you can use to interact before or during the sessions. On the right side, you will find the following widgets:
- Session Information – all information related to the session and live caption* .
- Live Q&A – you may submit a question to the speaker.
- Live Poll – you may answer or vote on any question which was posted by the speaker.
- Discussion Forum – you may engage in a discussion with other attendees.
- My Notes – you may write down your notes about the session and later on export them.
- Handouts – you may download the handouts if any available.
*Only available for sessions which are going to be held on the main stage. A button to launch the live caption will be available under each session in the session information.
Live Q&A:
As mentioned above, Live Q&A gives you the possibility to ask the question directly to the presenter. You will see the question in the bookmark “Top” or “Recent”.
Please note:
- Your question is not visible by default to other attendees unless the moderator of the session enables it.
- It depends on the moderator if and when your question will be asked and answered.
- It can be answered in written or oral form.
In the bookmark “My Questions” you may find all your asked questions and their answer if they are in written form. The reply to yours or any other participant's questions (if visible), can be found in the bookmark “Answered”.
Discussion Forum:
You may engage with other attendees and speakers in a discussion on the topic of the session.
Please note:
- All comments you will post here will be visible to everyone, and everyone is required to abide by the DrupalCon Code of Conduct at the conference.
To learn more about these features, click here.
If you wish to see the presenter and the presentation at the same time, click on the enlarge button on the right side of the window.
When the screen is enlarged, you can access Session Information, Discussion Forum, Notes, Live Poll, and Live Q&A by clicking on the icons on the top right corner. To minimize the window again, click on the arrows symbol.
End of a Webinar
At the end of the session:
- If you are on the OnAir Platform: click on “Back to the Timeline” button.
- If you are on the Zoom app (outside of OnAir): simply close the Zoom window and get back to onAir platform.
Pro tip: If you use the Zoom app (and not the default Zoom embedded in OnAir), disconnect your audio on the OnAir platform, to avoid any audio echo between the videos. Do not go back to the timeline, otherwise you will not be able to access all the options related to the session.