DrupalCon Barcelona 2020 - Call for Track Chairs

The DrupalCon Barcelona 2020 call for papers has just opened. Based on this year’s theme, “Experience the Open Web,” we are seeking submissions from the perspective of different audiences coming together to inspire, connect, learn & contribute to Drupal and the Open Web, specifically:

Users & Editors
If you are using Drupal extensively to reach your organizations' digital goals or to create content regularly, or if you are creating the editorial experience for a project, this track is for you.

Makers & Builders
This track is for everyone interested in Drupal development, including all disciplines and all levels of experience. This track is for both technical profiles, and also anyone interested in how Drupal works from the inside.

Agency & Business
Attendees looking for actionable advice, ideas and challenges from business owners, operators, executives and project managers on how to manage their business and projects successfully.

Clients & Industry
Digital managers and executive decision-makers using Drupal or considering Drupal as their next digital experience management platform. Agency leaders, product owners and tech leads would also find the showcases insightful.

Open Web & Community
This track is for everyone in the Drupal and Open Web community interested in the web being an inclusive, diverse, open and healthy place. 


You can help out as a track chair!

Do you have good contacts in one of the audience groups we have mentioned above? Are you interested in helping promote the program or selecting the right sessions for one of these tracks?

We are looking for help especially in the tracks outside of the Makers & Builders target audience: the Users & Editors, Agency & Business, Clients & Industry, as well as Open Web & Community tracks tend to have fewer connections on our side. The track team is committed to provide a diverse and inclusive program, which is why we welcome help especially from underrepresented groups.  

Your help as a track chair can be a very rewarding experience and shape the program for the next DrupalCon. Also see our Track Chair Guide to see what kind of help is needed.

Thanks for filling out our track chair form if you are interested in helping out with the DrupalCon Barcelona 2020 program team!

See you in September 2020 in Spain!

Josef / dasjo on behalf of the DrupalCon Barcelona 2020 track team