Drupal and Ansible: a way of managing a 2000+ environment infrastructure
Mattias Michaux
At Dropsolid we are building a hosting platform that is capable of managing a lot of environments and the infrastructure around it.
What started as a simple bash script to copy a site to a server evolved into a complete ecosystem with Drupal and Ansible at it's core.
In this session I will give a technical overview on how we managed to make Drupal and Ansible work together, how and why they are a good (but not perfect) fit, how to tackle issues like SSOT and reproducable environments for testing, ...
This session won't be a sales talk or a feature comparison to other solutions, but will focus on the technical aspects and challenges encountered during the evolution of the platform.
*Session Materials*
When & Where
Tuesday, 8 December, 2020 - 09:30 to 10:10
Amsterdam room