Industrialised deployments of Drupal 8 for Occitanie's CMS applications

Thierry Delbart, Jean-François Bianco

Industrialised deployments of Drupal 8 for Occitanie's CMS applications

Public services digitalisation and support for an economic digital transformation being a strategic development challenge for Occitanie, the southern French region and Sopra Steria have worked together to establish reliable cloud infrastructure and modern development methods to respond the government applications reliability and quality standards.
Drupal CMS platform has been chosen to implement some of those services and, as a consequence, Sopra Steria architecture team matches previous architecture and DevOps technologies for Drupal 8 applications.

In this talk, we will present how we implement Drupal virtualisation using Bitnami's container for Docker and Kubernetes, what was our strategy in terms of configurations and contents management and how we industrialized our continuous integration in order to have several developers working simultaneously and maintaining several qualification environments.

This talk will be conducted throw the experiences of Jean François Bianco, an experienced Azure Cloud Infrastructure Architect, and Thierry Delbart, an Engineering Manager and Sopra Steria Senior Drupal Developer.

*Session Materials*

When & Where

Thursday, 10 December, 2020 - 10:50 to 11:10
Darmstadt room