Moving Drupal forward by breathing new life into local community


The session will cover the importance of local communities in promotion and development of Drupal. We will find out why leading or supporting domestic group has at least the same impact as direct code/documentation contribution. We will also have a look at vital hints for starting or reviving the community in your own city.
As a final step we will learn and be inspired from successful stories of user groups that are doing great and are really making the difference in Drupal world!

We go through following points:

State of Drupal: are we progressing or getting worse?
Driving forces: if we move forward, who specifically does this?
Problems and who should fix them: what are the risks for Drupal?
Old vs modern definition of community: is it changing in time?
Tip & Tricks to start your own local community: hands-on guide
Lessons to learn from good examples in our ecosystem: do we have a local community to follow-up?
At the end of this session, attendees will be able to:

examine the state of their local community
start planning their first local meetup
form their local community on
This session is for community members, who would like to take an action, become a leader or a supporting member of Drupal/open-source community in their region.

Attendees will get the most out of this session by being familiar with terms volunteering and open-source.

*Session Materials*

When & Where

Wednesday, 9 December, 2020 - 09:30 to 10:10
Amsterdam room