Users & Editors Track: 3 Itineraries for Content Editors, Designers, and Site Builders

Drupal is about delivering unique digital experiences and high-quality, accessible content to audiences. So it’s natural that content strategists, digital marketers, UX specialists, and designers take a prominent position in DrupalCon Europe 2021. Let’s take a look at what the Users & Editors Track has to offer to these professionals over the event’s four-day schedule.


Content Editors

As editors and strategists, you’ll want to cover as many aspects of content management as possible, and the Users & Editors Track have plenty of options. On Monday, there will be three great sessions in a row to attend. Start with Nikita Aswani speaking about creating accessible digital content, then wait for Inez Declercq and her session about using layout builder to improve content quality. Finally, Suzanne Dergacheva will compare the content editor experiences in Drupal, WordPress, and Contentful. On Tuesday, you don’t want to miss Kerstin Polte’s first-person testimony of her experiences and difficulties with Drupal pages as a content editor.



Design and UX professionals can start their itinerary on Day One, with Carie Fisher discussing ways and actions to empower users to choose their experiences versus assuming what they want. The day after, Eriol Fox will host a panel ideal for those interested in integrating design and OSS—two worlds that shouldn’t be as far apart as they seem. At the same time, Samvada Jain and Gopinath  Manimayam will present a more practical session, about adding flexibility in Drupal core’s block system to allow discrete pieces of content. Designers will need to choose between one of these two sessions, but both are undoubtedly promising.


Site Builders

Drupal developers will also be perfectly served by the Users & Editors Track. On Tuesday, Vladimir Roudakov demonstrates how to create a website on Drupal with a similar experience as in Wix or Squarespace. Then, on Wednesday, three sessions are sure to appeal to site builders. First, there’s Sascha Eggenberger’s take on the future of the popular Gin Admin Theme. Later, Hristo Chonov will show how Autosave Form and Conflict can enhance the editorial experience in Drupal 8 and 9. Finally, Ruchika Mohite and Abhai Sasidharan explain how a DIY Layout Builder can make Drupal more friendly for content editors and marketers.


Most of these sessions are at the beginner level, so non-technical, less seasoned ticket holders should not be intimidated by its topics. And although we suggested the itineraries above, participants can surely create their own programs, according to their interests and needs.