Avoiding the Git of Despair


Back end developers have it easy. Just miles and miles of text-based code. Site builders, on the other hand, have to rely on point-and-click exportables from CTools / Features. Let's face it, there's a lot of magic going on, and it doesn't always go well. In this session we'll explore where all that stuff *goes* so that you're not constantly tripping over yourself in Git.

More specifically:

  • 10,000ft view of how Git works with a deployment landscape (dev/stage/prod)
  • 5,000ft view of how branches work, and what to do in Git world before you export a Feature
  • on-the-ground look at the commands you'll need to run once a Feature is exported so you can share it with others
  • 5,000ft view of why you don't want to work on the same feature as someone else if you can avoid it
  • on-the-ground look at Feature-related merge conflicts just in case it happens to you

By the end of this session, you should be able to:

  • Describe a basic Git branching strategy, and how it relates to a typical dev/stage/prod infrastructure
  • Recall the Git commands you need to add a new Feature to your Git repository
  • Describe what a Git conflict is and how to recover from it

Throughout this session we'll explore the problems you might run into when working with Drupal-generated configuration files and Git. Although we'll focus on Drupal 7 and the Features module, the high level concepts will apply equally to other modules (and versions of Drupal!)


Session Track

Site Building

Experience Level


Drupal Version

When & Where

Tuesday, 12 May, 2015 - 17:00 to 18:00
515B -Forum One