So It's Your First Time at DrupalCon
New to DrupalCon? We’re glad you’re joining us in Seattle!
Here are ideas to help you prepare for this exciting week among thousands of other Drupalers, while hundreds of sessions, summits, trainings, just-for-fun events, and more are all happening—some simultaneously. We have tips for during the conference and afterward, so make the most of this new experience!

Build your personal schedule in advance
Check the Program at a Glance for links within your track of offerings each day of the Con. If you are logged in to the site, you can save sessions to your personal online schedule. We compiled a list of beginner sessions to help you decide. Likewise, you can view and add these not-to-be-missed happenings to your schedule:
First-time Attendee Networking Breakfast - For those of you who registered by the April 1 deadline, don't forget the breakfast will be held Tuesday, 8 am - 9 am, Skybridge, Level 4. This informal setting is to bring together all who are new to DrupalCon. Fuel up on coffee, croissants, and conversation.
Welcome from the Founder - Tuesday, 4:30 pm - 5 pm, Hall 4E, Level 4. Dries Buytaert is welcoming you in particular!
Opening Reception - Tuesday, 5 pm - 7 pm, Exhibit Hall, Level 4. Come enjoy a beverage, appetizers, and a chance to chat with sponsors and fellow attendees.
The Driesnote - Wednesday, 8:30 am - 10 am, Hall 4E, Level 4. The keynote address by Dries Buytaert is tradition, and always engaging. Get Dries’s take on the state of Drupal and its future.
First-time Contributor Workshops - Monday, Tuesday, or Friday - Want to contribute to the project, but need guidance? Attend a mentor-led workshop.
And from there, take your pick of evening and specialty events, ranging from running group to trivia night, many of which ask for an RSVP: social events. Also, peruse the list of Birds of a Feather (BoF) gatherings to see if any pique your interest, and can be added to your schedule (‘Drupal Parents’ on Wednesday?, ‘Building a User Interface for Migrate’ on Thursday?)
Want to meet someone in particular? Look up speakers and community members, and contact them via or Twitter to see which days they’ll be in attendance.
During DrupalCon
Photo provided by Jeff Geerling Be social (media): Tweet, post, and share the useful and inspiring tidbits that you learn!
@DrupalConNA is the official North American DrupalCon Twitter account
Hashtags: #DrupalCon #DrupalContribution #DCDriesnote #AskDries #DCRuff #DCSutton ... Keep an eye out for others in use.
Many speakers share their Twitter handles if you’d like to tweet any praises
Be social (in person): Ongoing coffee break times are for getting to know your community, mentors...even future colleagues.
Visit the sponsors in the Exhibit Hall; they’ve helped make this DrupalCon possible. They’ll have games, free swag for you, snacks, and information about who they are and what they can offer.
After DrupalCon
Share what you learned with your boss and colleagues, and/or in a blog or podcast!
Start planning your session submission for the next DrupalCon! Once you have it put together, take it to your local user group, regional Drupal Camp, lunch and learn at your workplace. Check Drupical to see where the next upcoming Drupal community events are in the world.
Take part in the Drupal Association survey by offering your personal feedback. You’ll get an email about it right after DrupalCon.