Building the sites of tomorrow

It’s often said that you can can find 80% of what you need to build a site in Drupal with a smart combination of Drupal core and the right contributed community modules.

Mastering site building in Drupal can save thousand of hours of development and coding time, reinventing a wheel that is already spinning perfectly in thousands of other websites.

However, site building is very similar to playing legos: you need to know which pieces exist, where they are, and how to make them fit. Moreover, you need to know the combinations already assembled for you that are ready to play with!

DrupalCon is the perfect situation for this! You can learn about new pieces, new combinations, and also to show and tell the world new recipes and strategies to solve and improve the most important problems that different stakeholders face when building complex sites.

In the DrupalCon Dublin Site Building track we are looking for sessions around key topics that are fundamental when creating complex and modern websites in Drupal:

  • Improving Accessibility, UX and Content Admin UI
  • Information Planning and Content Architecture, Applied Content Strategy
  • Configuration Management Best Practices, and beyond CMI core functionality
  • Layout and Theming using UI : Tools that allow you to build and control layout
  • Distros & Platforms: Come talk about the next platform you are building!
  • Recipes! There is always a recipe already baked in Drupal that can get others started easily. If you wish to showcase any of your special ways of putting modules to work the way you want, the stage is yours!

We are living in exciting times with new and improved solutions arriving with Drupal 8. We want to hear how it is working for you:

  • How are you using its new features related to Multilingual, Blocks, Context, Responsive Images, CMI, etc?
  • How did your site building experience changed with Drupal 8 from previous versions?
  • How can one resume the current state and usage of popular Site Building modules: Like Panels, Display Suite, Rules, Context, Media, Flag, Paragraphs, etc and newcomers to the Drupal scene introduced by Drupal 8?

If you are solving complex demands from content managers working in large corporate websites, adding flexibility and control to editorial backends while improving what is visible for the visitors, or simply making Drupal beat its competitors with killer and powerful ready-to-use functionalities, we want to hear from you in Dublin. Tell your story by submitting a session to the Site Building Track.

Submit your Session


Hernani Borges de Freitas
Site Building Track Chair
DrupalCon Dublin