Are we building agencies or employment platforms?
Agencies are having to adapt fast in a changing world. The shape of what makes a successful agency in the future may not necessarily resemble the traditional hierarchical structure of many founder-lead companies. Employees want more, freelancers want more and clients can sometimes offer them more - but are you listening? It's time to re-think what employment means and how we might change our businesses to become fundamentally attractive, rather than simply competing to offer better token benefits.
This talk aims to explore some of the challenges and opportunities faced by small to medium agencies. Using first hand examples and staff feedback gained from Hydrant’s own transition to Holacracy and a different style of leadership and control after 10 years doing the traditional way. I will also share my research and thoughts for reward structures in a world without managers.
This talk is aimed at small agency founders seeking alternative management structures for their business as well as freelance contractors in search of autonomy and stability.
Delivered By Leo White - Founding Director of a UK drupal agency that has been delivering Drupal solutions for 9 years.