Build incredible interfaces for your Drupal sites using Ember


With headless Drupal becoming increasingly common, there are a number of options available for building the UI.  This presentation will cover the basics of how to do some really awesome things in a relatively short time using Ember, a popular JavaScript framework used by Yahoo, Twitch, and many others.

Once we’ve covered Ember and what it can do, we will dive into how to integrate it with Drupal (both 7 and 8).  Various strategies for decoupling will be explored including how you can easily start using Ember on existing websites and transition gradually.  Also included will be some practical examples and lessons learned from actual Ember + Drupal projects.

Topics covered include:
  • Why Ember?
  • How to get started with Ember.
  • The building blocks of an Ember app
  • What is Ember Data and why is it important?
  • Upping the “wow factor” of your app with Liquid Fire
  • Using Ember with Drupal
  • Approaches for decoupling and integration

This is primarily intended for themers/front-end developers but will also be useful for backend developers looking to learn a little bit about various decoupling strategies and anyone looking to learn a little bit more about Ember.  Experience with Javascript is helpful but not neccesarily required.

Session Track

Front End

Experience Level


Drupal Version