Building Groupanizer on Drupal


Hi guys,

I'm the CEO of Groupanizer. ( I'm posting this in the "business" track but it might belong elsewhere.

Over the past seven years (starting with Drupal 6!) I have built a business to serve the million+ choirs in the world, and after many lessons learned at a business and technical level, we're the biggest in the space, and we have reached profitability. I have much to share about what worked and didn't in building, maintaining and hosting 1,000+ sites in a Drupal 7 multisite environment. I could tailor this talk any number of ways, but seven years as the CEO of a niche SaaS provider using Drupal has taught me a lot.

A few highlights:

  • The perils of features, views and fields in a large multisite environment, and what we did about it
  • Why multisite is better for us than the typical multi-tennant SaaS solution, and the pitfalls
  • How we translated and then backed away from non-English customers until we can migrate to Drupal 8
  • How we give our customers more than one theme, and why we ultimately dropped overlay
  • Strategies for upgrading a thousand sites "on the fly"
  • How we solved group mailing lists and email
  • Why commerce fees will eventually become our largest source of revenue

I could go on and on. It's been one hell of a journey!

Attendees might need some tech background if we decide to take this talk in a technical direction.

Attendees will learn a ton, regardless of the focus chosen.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Session Track

Site Building

Experience Level


Drupal Version