Data Visualization: Why Does it Matter?


There are several reasons why that visual representation of data is a really important part of Big Data analytics or any other kind of data-driven analytics.

Visual representation of data makes the process of data analytics a lot easier and less complicated, adding an extra context to our understanding of data. Other than that the majority of people are visual learners; we use images, pictures, colors and other visual stimuli to organize and learn information.

Of the various reasons why you need to consider incorporating data visualization into your data-driven business strategies, the following are worth mentioning:
1. Human mind processes the visual information better.
2. Visualization tells the story of the unseen patterns.
3. A picture is worth a thousand words.
4. Interactive dataviz tools help getting better insights.
5. Your customers make decisions(factors influence customer behavior)

When it comes to data visualization, it is important to know what structure of data best suits the specific form and function of the visualization.

This session is focused on data vizualization understanding and where, when and how to use it. It should be interesting for those who want to have a better understanding of the data vizualization, tools and techniques.

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