Universal solution to manage configuration for multi-site and single-site docroot setups


In this presentation, we will show you how to manage configuration for your projects in the standard and extendable way, including very specific scenarios that should cover almost any needs.

Some of the highlights:

  • Drush aliases generator for multi-site (and single-site) setups based on /sites directory using standard schema (you only need to configure servers IPs / SSH user / path to docroot on the server to make local & remote aliases work for every site in setup, e.g. you can have @local.site1.en, @local.site1.fr, @dev.site1.en, @dev.site1.fr, @prod.site1.en, @prod.site1.fr aliases without the need to configure each site separately);
  • Multisite setup configuration in YAML format instead of lacking extended configuration capabilities default sites.php file, allowing to provide andy additional settings for each site/URL;
  • Customizable and manageable environment-specific (and any other custom specific parameters possible) settings files (environment indicators, standard caching settings, etc) in both YAML & PHP formats;
  • Every developer in the team can override some of the settings on his development PC only (useful for local development/debugging);
  • You can have URL-specific settings file (in PHP format) that will be included for specific URLs only (useful if you need specific settings for some of the pages/subdomains/domains) OR:
  • You can add URL-specific settings in YAML configuration file;
  • You can override any of the Drupal settings in YAML format in single file for every site in setup, or for every site in specific environment or use any other combination of server, environment, instance, etc;

Adyax already worked with several projects based on Drubone and we will share our experience with you.

Drubone is highly configurable and works for both Drupal 7 and Drupal 8, so you can setup it in any specific way that will suit demands of your project or you can just use it from the box.

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