Drupal Beyond Content: Building DKAN to Open Up Data


“Data science” is a term few had heard five years ago, but today we see it everywhere. The gathering, sharing, publishing, analyzing and visualization of of the data our institutions  produce have become vital to government, business, journalism and civil society.  It’s a big deal-- McKinsey estimates that opening up data worldwide across seven industries will unlock more than $3 trillion dollars of economic value.  

Until recently, Drupal was thought of largely as a platform for publishing content, not data. However, with the advent of the DKAN distribution of Drupal and other data visualization and management modules for Drupal, its now clear that Drupal has a big role to play in the data revolution.

This session will cover why expanding Drupal's use to data management and publishing creates new major new opportunities for Drupal agencies and developers alike.  Specifically, we will address:

  • Key data publishing use cases, ranging from public government open data portals to private research metadata management for Fortune 500 pharmaceutical companies.  

  • How both Drupal’s core architecture and key modules and other customizations make it a powerful tool for open data publishing and data science

  • How the DKAN distro addresses the storage of data, both as downloadable files and query-able, web service-ready tables

  • Approaches to data previews, charts, and other visualizations

  • Relevant Drupal projects relevant to data management including the DKAN Distribution, Visualization Entity, Open Data Schema Mapper modules, and CartoDB integration

  • Key international data standards such as DCAT

  • Review recent high profile Drupa; data publishing projects, including national open data portals in European countries such as Italy, Ukraine, and the Czech Republic

Participants will leave the session with new insight into how to identify Drupal data publishing development and business opportunities, and specific knowledge about how to go to work on these opportunities within the Drupal community. 

Session Track


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Drupal Version