Drupal relationship advice: 2 years strong and counting


Me and Drupal have been together for two years now. It’s getting pretty serious. Let me tell you how we met, the important lessons I’ve learnt along the way and how becoming certified changed the way we felt about each other. We’ve been on holidays together (Drupal Camps), we’ve learnt some important life lessons (that i’m excited to share with you) and how we’ve even stuck it out moving from one city to another. It’s a relationship that’s stood the test of time. Discover what our next chapter is and how my experiences can improve your own.

About me

I’m from Carlisle, I have a degree in Computing and a Masters in IT Security. I have 4 years’ experience in teaching, developing, testing and maintaining  dynamic  web  applications using PHP and over 2 year’s experience developing with Drupal.

I attend North West Drupal User Group (NWDUG), who meet every first Wednesday of the month in MadLab, Manchester, UK. I currently work at Access as a Drupal Developer where I develop kickass websites.

Session Track

Being Human

Experience Level


Drupal Version