Drupal vs. Laravel


Let's take a step back: CMS or framework? Perhaps even microframework? Staying in the PHP world whilst e.g. Node.js is an unavoidable option on some fields? I will not widen the perspective more. Let's focus now on the exceptionally popular and trending Laravel framework and compare it to Drupal.

Which one could be the winner for a Backend developer, Frontend developer, Sitebuilder, PM/QA, CTO/devops or a Customer?

I will also go through areas of use to find out the strengths and weaknesses of both tools.
While we at BRAINSUM were waiting for Drupal 8 and laboring with the development on Drupal 8 beta we checked and tried out other tools as well. Currently, we're working on D8 and Laravel projects simultaneously and I would like to share experiences we have encountered: what the secret to Laravel's popularity is and what the Drupal community can learn and utilize directly from that.

My aim is to uncover the big picture with key aspects to help you make decisions no matter if you are a developer planning your future, a CTO selecting the right tools for a project or a customer evaluating technologies. 

Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version