Drupalized In-House Advertising in an Ad-Blocked World


MMORPG.com, the internet’s largest multiplayer community hub, needed to migrate away from their ColdFusion site which had served them for over a decade. With an eye on growth, the team at MMORPG turned to Drupal to help them usher in and engage a new generation of online gaming community members. This meant pursuing a robust and flexible content strategy, using panelized layouts for modular configuration, and putting in-house advertising systems to work to ensure success in the face of ad-blocker adversity.

Axelerant brought the raw power of Drupal’s editorial workflows and robust framework to drive over 20 content types—from direct advertising to user-generated content (UGC).

Key Takeaways

This team of three will provide details on how they architected, developed, and delivered a Drupal publishing platform which drives rich user interactions, contests, and more for a huge and hyperactive gaming community.

As a focus, they’ll discuss the architectural decisions and best practices that helped them address MMORPG’s need to serve ads in an ad-blocked world.

Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version