Empathy as a Service.


In the recent few years, I've been interested in psychology, human behaviours, habits and weird ways we, humans, do what we do. Mostly, that was for making myself a bit better, but since I'm working with people (we all do) and specifically with software developers, I've got to know a lot about our programmer folks. And considering the fact that I live in Eastern Europe, I got to know a lot about outsource software development and remote relationships. For last 5 years I was managing development teams one way or another and was able to experiment a little. I want to share results of these experiments, ones that applicable to client - service provider case and remind us something that we know for long time but often forgetting - how to human. 
I also want to show unusual points of view on the old problems, well, at least to try.

Main points: 

- Mentalities and does it matter that much? What matters if it doesn't?
- Can  outsourcing be Eastern Europe's next bubble and why it is a bubble?
- Paradox of overcoming expectations.
- As a customer, how to distinguish good companies from bad ones?
- As a developer, how to be better than your next outsource company.
- Importance of local user groups for experience sharing.
- And much more.


Session Track

Being Human

Experience Level


Drupal Version