Enterprise Drupal Commerce: Turning it up to 11


Lush has been using Drupal as it's eCommerce solution for over 2 years. During that time we have learnt how to do enterprise level eCommerce the hard way! 

We started with a (relatively) straightforward single installation Drupal Commerce site. Which in itself was light years ahead of any platform we used in the past. Drupal's flexibility, extensibility and open source ethics were a perfect fit for the dynamic world that is Lush! The annual Boxing Day sale of 2014 saw the website peak its performance (and fall over!) at 65,000 orders in 4 day period. 

Through these trials, tribulations and a huge growth in traffic; it became clear that we needed a bigger, better, faster platform.

Through collaboration with FFW and Acquia we are now powered by what we believe to be the largest Drupal eCommerce platform in Europe. An 8 Drupal installation micro-services powered web architecture is now at the heart of our business. And over the 2015 Boxing Day sale we processed 30% more orders with much higher system stability.

In this talk we will cover the problems of our initial system, how we identified them and how we factored that into the implementation of our current architecture. We will also focus on how each component of our eCommerce platform drives the success we are seeing today.

The audience can expect to come away with a mix of the technical insight and business analysis that went into the planning of our platform.

Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version