Free Software: It's not about the license


Free Software.  Open Source.  Software Freedom.  Free as in Speech or Free as in Beer?

We're all familiar with the buzzwords, the catch phrases, and slogans.  We all know the "GPL vs BSD" debate, and have probably participate in it at some point.  But what do they mean, really?  Is Open Source really just a friendlier name for Free Software, or is there something more to it?

Yes.  Yes there is.  Free Software may be most known as an alternative name for Open Source, or as the origin of the GNU General Public License and similar, but those are but an expression.  Free Software, at its core, is a philosophical, cultural, and political movement.  A movement born of a simple belief: That you should have control of your own digital destiny, and that it is immoral to deprive people of that right.

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