Getting it done with Acquia: Pipelines, Lightning, BLT, Content Hub, and more
Join Team Acquia for a walkthrough of how Acquia’s Platform and new developer tools can help you create and deploy your own ambitious Drupal experiences.
Topics that we will cover include:
Acquia's new Continuous Integration toolsets including:
BLT [Build and Launch Tool], a development toolkit framework
Lightning, a packaged and maintained Drupal 8 distribution that incorporates the best modules for common use cases
Pipelines, for building, testing, and deploying to Acquia Cloud using build manifests and Cloud based workers
How site management tools - like Content Hub for content syndication, and Acquia Cloud Site Factory for many-site management - simplify site rollout and maintenance
How Acquia’s enablement teams help you assess, train, and certify your skills
How Acquia’s Professional Services teams use their knowledge to make your architecture, build, and launch more successful.