How to DrupalCamp? Community building 101


We, people of the Drupal world, always say that the Drupal community is very diverse and everybody can find their way to contribute to it. And we all know that it’s not just about coding, documenting and translating all day and night in the darkness of our rooms. Sometimes we need to come together and do all these great things in the same place. And here comes the question: who will organize all this? 

And there is an answer: anybody can do that, it’s not rocket science. However, if you haven’t done it before, the road can be very bumpy at first sight.

I’m not selling pig in a poke: it is bumpy. BUT! If you are dauntless and persistent, if you find the right people to support you, the result will be awesome and you’ll be proud of your baby. Organizing DrupalCamps is really a great way of contributing to Drupal.

No matter if you would like to build or grow your local community, if you want to organize a local meetup or a larger camp, there are some basic steps in the process, you just need to know how to scale up or down. 

In my session I will walk you through these steps and talk to you about what you will need to keep in mind when you start organizing your first or next Drupal event. 

  • Think about your camp as a startup: What is a Minimum Viable Camp? 
  • What are the main areas you’ll need to cover?
  • What are the main responsibilities of your team?
  • How to manage your volunteers?
  • Where is the money coming from? 
  • What should / could be the scope and format of your event?
  • How does an ideal timeline look like? 

Interested? Come to my session and let’s empower everyone to go home and start organizing Drupal get-togethers - in the end this is what the community is all about. 

My session is a modified version of the talk I gave at Drupal Developer Days in Milan in 2016.

Session Track

Being Human

Experience Level


Drupal Version