Improving Code Quality with Static Analysis

If you aren’t using automated static analysis then time is being wasted during code review.

As the art of programming has evolved, patterns have emerged that can describe code in quantitative terms. Static analysis is the task of looking for those patterns in code, whether they are for code style, complexity, or security vulnerabilities. While identifying these patterns are often the manual task of code review, automation can be done in a fraction of the time and cost and with greater accuracy.

In this session we will look at how to use static analysis on a project to improve quality, using Code Climate and open source projects as examples. The key takeaway for this session is an understanding of static analysis and how to tie its automation into the development cycle of a Drupal project. If you are familiar with automated testing or code review and are looking for ways to improve your code and process, this session is for you!

Session Track


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When & Where

Wednesday, 28 September, 2016 - 10:45 to 11:45
Liffey Meeting 2 | Amazee Labs