It's an Emergency: What to do when the site goes down


Your website is the very definition of perfect attendance; it has never gone down and never will. You're load balanced, highly available, and content-distribution-networked around the world. You're like the Netflix of Drupal. So this session is a complete waste of your time, right? Nope. Every website on the planet is capable of failing. It's how you handle that failure which makes you shine in the eyes of your site's audience.

By the end of this session you will be able to handle technical incidents, and outages with grace and dignity. More specifically, you will learn how to:

  • develop an internal checklist of what to do during an emergency
  • include every person on your team so that you recover from failure faster
  • communicate effectively during an emergency with your site's audience
  • review the incident after the fact to ensure you can't fail this way again

This 30 minute investment is the most important one you will make all week. Time will be left at the end for others to share their own suggestions for disaster recovery and communication success stories.

Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version