Man Days Must Die! 7 Steps to Implementing Points


Me: Let's estimate this!
Team: Ok I think it will take 5 & a half Hour-
No Please God NO!

Why is it so hard to move away from hours and man-day estimates?? After this session, you should be able to answer these tough questions:

- Why do so many groups prefer hours to points?
- Who influences this decision? Why?
- Why should we start using them instead of good ole hours?
- How do I convince my customer / team this is the way to go?
- What are the risks?
- How will you mitigate them?
- How do we start using points?
- When will be proficient? How do we know we are doing a good job?
- What tools can we use to track our progress & projects?

I'd like to leave a portion of this session open for Q&A but also so that people who have been there & done that can add to the discussion. I want to hear YOUR ideas about how moving to points helped your projects, let's use the power of the community to help people moving in this direction.

Session Track

Project Management

Experience Level


Drupal Version